
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Principals’ Professional Learning: Current Status and Future Needs
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
NAESP recently teamed up with the Learning Policy Institute (LPI) to conduct a national principal study surveying 1,000 principals to learn more about their access to high-quality professional development opportunities. The report had some key findings, including that few principals had participated in authentic learning opportunities (e.g., applied learning experiences, mentors and coaches, and networking with colleagues) despite the literature affirming that these authentic, job-embedded learning opportunities are associated with positive student outcomes.
In this edition of the NAESP Advocacy Podcast, Caitlin Scott, Research Director for LPI, and Stephanie Levin, Research Manager for LPI, join to discuss the report and its implications for the principal profession going forward.
Caitlin Scott, Research Director, Learning Policy Institute
Stephanie Levin, Research Manager, Learning Policy Institute

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
The 2020 Election
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
In this edition of the NAESP HQ podcast, NAESP Executive Director L. Earl Franks, Ed.D., CAE, and President of the Education Commission of the States Jeremy Anderson discuss the upcoming 2020 election, specifically changes in state education leadership.

Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
In this episode of NAESP HQ, NAESP Executive Director L. Earl Franks, Ed.D., CAE, speaks with NAESP Associate Executive Director of Advocacy and Policy Danny Carlson about the impact of the CARES Act on K-12 schools, and how principals can use their voices to guide funding decisions.

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Building Principal Pipelines
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
In this episode, we talk with Damaries Blondonville and Dr. Melissa Ellis from Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) about their work with the Wallace Foundation’s Principal Pipeline Initiative. The conversation keys in on how PGCPS has developed and grown a high-impact principal pipeline that intentionally recruits, develops, and supports principals across the county.
Recommended Reading:

Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Early Education Leadership: How Principals Can Support Early Learning
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Principals play a critical role in supporting a seamless continuum of learning for children across pre-k through the third grade. To do this, they must support transitions from pre-k settings to elementary schools, as well as support developmentally appropriate teaching. In this episode, we speak with Laura Bornfreund and Abbie Lieberman from New America to discuss the importance of the principal in supporting early education and why so few school leaders are equipped to meet these challenges.

Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
The Research Angle: Which Principal Policies Work?
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
American Institute for Research (AIR) researchers Dr. Matthew Clifford and Dr. Cortney Rowland join this episode to discuss what research shows works to effectively recruit and prepare principals and what professional development they need to be successful.
Resources Referenced in this Episode:
Principal Professional Development: New Opportunities for a Renewed State Focus – http://bit.ly/2JZKbqd
Supporting Principals’ Learning: Key Features of Effective Programs – http://bit.ly/2Ym5LhB
A Framework for Principal Talent Management – http://bit.ly/30Vnjil
Principal Talent Management According to the Evidence: A Review of the Literature – http://bit.ly/2ycpe5C
Principal Pipelines: A Feasible, Affordable, and Effective Way for Districts to Improve Schools – http://bit.ly/32Phvc0
Sustaining a Principal Pipeline – http://bit.ly/2K2MGb0

Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Reversing the Trend on Teacher Shortages
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
A growing problem in school districts across the country, teacher shortages negatively impact school climate, culture, and student learning by undermining teacher quality and stability in the classroom. To address this, states have been working on multiple fronts to ensure schools are sufficiently staffed with the teachers they need. In another guest episode of NAESP HQ, NAESP Executive Director L. Earl Franks provides a brief overview of how NAESP and other national education groups are collaborating with states to reverse the trend on teacher shortages.

Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
- Mary Kingston Roche, director of public policy, Coalition for Community schools
- Gwendolyn Unoko, community school coordinator, Calvin M. Rodwell Elementary Middle School (Baltimore)
- Samuel Rather, principal, Calvin M. Rodwell Elementary Middle School (Baltimore)
In this episode, we sit down with Mary, Gwendolyn, and Samuel to learn more about the community school model and how community schools encourages partnerships between the school and other community resources. We also discuss how principals who utilize the community school model boost academics, health and social services, youth and community development and community engagement, leading to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities.

Monday Mar 11, 2019
Arne Duncan: Reflecting on America’s Schools
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Arne Duncan served as U.S. secretary of education under President Barack Obama from 2009 until 2015. Prior to his appointment, Duncan served as the CEO of the Chicago Public Schools from June 2001 through December 2008, becoming the longest-serving big-city education superintendent in the country. In this episode, Mr. Duncan sits down with us to reflect on his tenure as secretary of education and to share with us his ideas of where we go from here.

Monday Mar 04, 2019
Linda Darling Hammond: Why Principals Matter
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Linda Darling-Hammond, President and CEO of the Learning Policy Institute, is the Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus at Stanford University where she founded the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education and served as the faculty sponsor of the Stanford Teacher Education Program, which she helped to redesign. In 2006, Darling-Hammond was named one of the nation’s ten most influential people affecting educational policy.